Ethnographic Film https://www.kanraxel.uk/ CHOUETTEFILMS.CO.UK @CHOUETTEFILMS
Agnack is a place where both rivers and people converge in the most stunning of ways – a place where it is considered perfectly normal to speak a minimum of six languages. For the first time in history the people of Agnack allowed cameras to film as they prepare for an unforgettable event that gives a visually enticing record of local religion, focused on honouring the ancestors. As every single aspect of life in Agnack and the wider region, the anniversary of death celebrations with which the film culminates are thickly multilingual and testify of the interconnectedness and cosmopolitanism of this area, where diversity and multilingualism are centuries old.
The website contains free lesson plans for Key stage 3, 4 and 5, and essay titles for teaching on language and multilingualism in schools and universities.
You can request a copy of the film for public screenings or educational purposes by emailing Royal Anthropological Institute film@therai.org.uk * All profits made from the sale of this film through RAI will go to the association of the inhabitants of Agnack Grand. You can also purchase your own copy or stream from anywhere in the world on your mobile device, tablet or tv through Vimeo on demand.
KANRAXËL – The Confluence of Agnack from Chouette Films on Vimeo.
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