We are looking to expand our Resources page with content driven by teaching practices. We invite Guest Authors who want to share innovative teaching methods, resources or books, to write short posts that share the practicalities of how they deliver a particular course or lesson in an interesting way.
How do you teach the anthropology of food? Do you teach through sensory methods? What type of fieldtrips do you take? Do you use lego, games, or art materials? What sites or resources do you use? How have you applied a method, text or resource in an unusual way?
We welcome links to your own relevant publications or resources as well as wider works or websites you have found useful. The emphasis should be on sharing novel teaching practices to create a repository of ideas that readers might find useful. Submissions should be informal academic pros of around 500 words and emailed to Natalie Djohari at editors@teachinganthropology.org
As always we also welcome guest ‘Blog posts’ that reflect on broader issues around teaching. Further details on submitting Blog posts can be found here.
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