Hi Everyone,
As the incoming editors of Teaching Anthropology we’d like to say hello and give you a sense of our future direction. We have both been enthusiastic followers of the journal since its inception back in 2011. Natalie (Djohari) appeared in the Inaugural issue with an article on teaching critical anthropology to development students and Gavin (Weston) appeared in the fourth issue with an article on teaching controversies. Since writing these early articles we have gone on to explore the relationship between teaching and research through student/staff collaborative research and our book, Anthropological Controversies, on the importance of teaching anthropology through critical engagement with its troubled past.
As we take over the reins of Teaching Anthropology, we want to preserve what we love about the journal – that it remains a platform for those who care about teaching anthropology to share their thoughts and experiences. But we also want to do more than this. We want to expand the practical content, sharing resources, experiences and reflections that will directly help others in their teaching. Our vision for Teaching Anthropology, and its online platform, is that it becomes both a record of the evolution of anthropological teaching and a go to hub for pedagogical inspiration.

Among the things we are introducing are:
Continuous Publishing: With our shift to Early View, papers are published as soon as they are ready prior to the General Issue publication. This means we can respond quickly to current situations that might be effecting us all in our teaching while also reducing long wait times for publication.
Interviews: We would like to see more interviews with distinguished anthropologist and educators to serve as an archaeological repository for the way anthropological teaching has evolved over the years and responded to key historical moments within our discipline and beyond.
Annotated bibliographies and other teaching resources: We find annotated bibliographies to be immensely useful for teaching and want to encourage the sharing of them in our journal. Thematic bibliographies with a quick overview of each text are easy to share with students to give them a quick gateway into particular subject. If you have other ideas about resources that would fit well in the journal or on the website, get in touch to talk through your ideas.
An expanded Editorial Team. We welcome three new editors to the team to extend our reach and bring with them a passion for teaching: Joy Owen (Regional Editor for Africa), Genner Llanes Ortiz (Regional Editor, Central and South America) and Emily Stevenson (Editor, Multimedia and Resources). They join existing members Sherry Fukuzawa (Regional Editor, North America), Ioannis Manos (Regional Editor, Europe) and outgoing editor, Patrick Alexander, who stays on as editor for Schools and Further Education.
We look forward to our new role at Teaching Anthropology and will start the year by introducing a Guest Edited Special Issue on Re-imagining Diversity, out this spring, which I’m sure will give everyone a great deal to think about. Remember to follow us on Twitter (@TeachAnthro) or on our Facebook page to keep updated.
Editors-In-Chief, Natalie Djohari and Gavin Weston
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