Teaching Anthropology (TA) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute dedicated to the development of pedagogical theory and educational practice in Anthropology across schools, colleges, and higher education settings. The journal aims to inspire our community with new and emergent ways of working, as well as stimulate dialogue on the development of pedagogical theory, our shared practice, and educational values.
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- Special Issue: Trauma-Informed AnthropologyThis Special Issue grapples with the challenges of working with, on, and alongside trauma in anthropology. It shares experiences from doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, early career scholars, and […]
Latest blog posts
- Teaching SyndemicsMerrill Singer, PhD, University of Connecticut The COVID-19 pandemic brought enhanced global attention to the anthropological concept of syndemics. A pivotal moment occurred when Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet, one of the world’s highest-impact academic journals, declared: COVID-19 is not a pandemic. It […]
- Excavation and Education: Lessons Learned as Teaching Assistants in the Schreiber Wood Project Field SchoolMitchell Ma, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto and Susannah Clinker, PhD Student, University of Toronto The Schreiber Wood Project (SWP) field school, led by Professor Michael Brand with assistance from Dr. Trevor Orchard takes place on lands once owned by the Schreiber family, settlers from England who acquired […]
- Transformation of Ethnology and Anthropology in Belgrade, SerbiaBogdan Dražeta Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Ethnology and Anthropoloy, University of Belgrade Teaching at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, which is a part of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Serbia, has deep historical roots. Since 1881, the course named “Comparative Geography and […]
- The Virtual Mystery Webtool: Open access online Hybridized Problem-based LearningSherry Fukuzawa, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada As blended course modalities increase, assessment methods incorporating active learning practices such as problem-based learning (PBL) must also transform. In PBL small groups of students work on a practical case study, both independently and collaboratively, […]
- Bringing Anthropological Concepts to Life in a Virtual Peer ExchangeBy Shelene Gomes, University of the West Indies, & Lara Watkins, Bridgewater State University Students can read about culture, but hearing peers narrate personal experiences in another country provides invaluable firsthand insights. Analysing these narratives allows for a deeper understanding of cultural […]