Call for Papers: Anthropological Knowledge Production in the era of AIs and fast evolving technologies.

Image of robot hand touching a network

RAI MAJOR CONFERENCE: ANTHROPOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 25 June – 28 June 2024, Senate House, University of London (in person conference).

Teaching Anthropology Journal is delighted to be hosting the panel: ‘Anthropological Knowledge Production in the era of AIs and fast evolving technologies’.

With the growing accessibility of AIs, haptic technologies and open-source software, we asks; ‘how is anthropological knowledge production changing in this fast growing socio-technological era?’

Call for papers – extended to 26th January 2024.

In the last few years, Teaching Anthropology journal has received a growing number of articles that showcase innovation in adapting to Covid lockdowns, hybrid teaching, and utilising a growing range of haptic technologies and freely accessible apps. But as our teaching practices continue to change, a bigger question is emerging: how are these changes reconfiguring what anthropological knowledge is and how it is produced? What is the ‘anthropological text’ in light of AI assistance? How far can we push the boundaries of innovative assessment and still coherently identify ‘anthropological knowledge’? How are these technologies changing our relationships with students?

Smart phone apps, VR headsets, and dictation/translation technologies may be increasing accessibility by offering diverse ways to engage in anthropological learning, but what new inequalities may be emerging? How is the incorporation of the personal in teaching through technologies (personal smart phones, home learning, social media algorithms) creating ethical challenges?

We invite papers that reflect on how emergent technologies are changing practices in the teaching and learning of anthropology.

1. How are new technologically being adopted to enhanced teaching and learning?

2. What now counts as anthropological knowledge and how do we successfully assess this?

3. How can technologies (such as apps, AI text generators, VR) increase accessibility or create further inequalities in the teaching or learning of anthropological knowledge?

We welcome individual and collaborative contributions from students and academics, as well as reflections from cognate disciplines teaching ethnography or creative field methods and/or anthropological knowledge within and beyond universities.

All proposals must be made via the online form on each panel page. The Teaching Anthropology panel can be found at:

Proposal submissions

Proposals should consist of a title, a (very) short abstract of <300 characters and an abstract of 250 words. On submission the proposal, the proposing author (but not any co-authors listed) will receive automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the login environment (click login on the left) to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means confirmation got spammed or lost; and if it is not, it means you need re-submit, as process went wrong somewhere.

A paper can only be submitted once and only one paper can be submitted per person.

Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for Papers. Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by 9 February 2024 and to communicate those to the proposers. Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for ‘transfer’, will then be considered by the Conference Committee to see where else they might fit in the conference programme. There is no guarantee that such papers can be re-housed. The conference aims to resolve all transfers by 26 February 2024.

Call for papers -extended to 26th January 2024.

Conference Fee:

This is an in-person conference held in London. All participants in the conference will have to register and pay the conference fee.  Registration opens on 11 April 2022.

RAI Fellows; EASA Members; AAA Members; IUAES Members; ASA Members: £320

RAI Members: £390

Non-members: £420

Concessions (students; unemployed; retired persons): £150

Delegates with low income from low income countries ( £100

Further conferece deatils can be found here:

(Image by Tara Winstead from Pexels)

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