Vol. 12 No. 1 (2023): Special Issue: The TikTok of Teaching and Research: The Pedagogical Possibilities of Collaborative Digital Ethnography

This Special Issue explores the pedagogical possibilities of applying collaborative research practices and digital ethnographic methodologies (Miller, 2012; Pink et. Al, 2015) to collectively investigate the world of TikTok. Introducing the TikTok Ethnography Collective (TEC) and the collaborative mode of research and learning developed, the articles presented demonstrate how collaborative research practices are particularly well suited to engaging with algorithmically shaped spaces such as TikTok. Drawing on the experiences of staff and students researching and learning alongside each other, this Special Issue highlights the epistemological and ethical potentiality of re-wiring the relationship between teaching, learning, and research.
Guest Editors: Elena Liber, Yathukulan Yogarajah and Toby Austin Locke